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Meer oor | About


Rooha is ‘n dubbelmedium Pre-Primêre skool geleë aan die voet van die Helderberg in die skilderagtige dorpie Somerset-Wes. Ons skool is reg teenoor die ingang van De Hoop Laerskool. Ons Gr RRR, RR en R klasse berei ons kinders in ‘n veilige en liefdevolle omgewing voor vir laerskool. Ons bied ook naskool en vakansie versorging vir die werkende ouer. Maak gerus ‘n afspraak en kom kuier vir ons!

Rooha is a dual medium Pre-Primary school situated at the foot of the Helderberg mountain in the picturesque town of Somerset-West. Our school is opposite the main entrance to De Hoop Primary school. Our grade RRR, RR and R classes prepare our children in a safe and caring environment for primary school. We also provide aftercare as well as holiday care for the working parents. Please feel free to make an appointment to visit us!


Rooha Visie en Missie

In ‘n opwindende en veilige omgewing by Rooha is ons toegewyd om ons kinders as ‘n geheel te ontwikkel in hulle sosiale-, intellektuele-, fisiese en emosionele vaardighede vir hulle toekoms.


Rooha help ons kinders om met passie hulle potensiaal te bereik deur:


  • Goeie sosiale vaardighede aan te leer en gesonde verhoudings te ontwikkel.

  • ‘n Kreatiewe, stimulerende, hoë gehalte en erkende akademiese program aan te bied.

  • ‘n Kleurvolle en  interessante speelomgewing binne en buite daar te stel en te onderhou.

  • In ‘n geborge omgewing ‘n goeie selfbeeld te ontwikkel en te leer om uitdagings te hanteer. 


Rooha's Vision and Mission

In an exciting environment at Rooha we are committed to develop our children all round in their social-, intellectual-, physical and emotional skills for their future.
Rooha helps our children to passionately reach their potential by:

  • Learning good social skills and develop healthy relationships

  • Providing a creative, stimulating, high quality and recognised academic programme.

  • Providing and maintaining a colourful and interesting play environment, inside and outside.

  • Developing good self-esteem in a nurturing environment to face challenges.

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